Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Daily Panic Over the Williamburg Bridge

I wrote this poem a few minutes ago, ill and not looking forward to taking the train this morning. Not only do I long to snuggle in my bed instead of going to work, but I wish--just now, for once, today-- I could avoid seeing, yet again, the panoramic view of the waterfront that reminds me so much of someone I bless and curse (for silly reasons I know well that ultimately have nothing much to do with him) but never can-- quite-- forget. Maybe I'll close my eyes between Marcy and Essex just to be safe. But I'll allay my discomfort today by assuring myself (and showing others) the world is friendly to my perpetual cause, which is Universal: to live happily in the embrace of love, and peace, and unconditional joy.

Daily Panic Over the Williamburg Bridge

A bridge, one bridge, divides our hearts
But narrowly I missed my mark
For wont of better beggary
I must devise a separate scheme
Of hammered love dramatic
Of drowned love, sad, sincere
(Those panicked aspects never worn
By true love any year )

And a watchtower of panic now is every mantis crane
Even steel from afar seems fragile here
And I fall with the rain
You close-by are dreaming fondly
Of the same gray scene
That cuts me dead materially
And leaves me languishing